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We pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities that stand at the forefront of the industry. With a commitment to quality and innovation, our facilities are equipped to handle complex projects with precision and efficiency. Our diverse range of manufacturing services - from advanced CNC machining to thermoforming and vacuum pressing - allows us to bring any concept to life.

CNC ATC Routering

Our CNC ATC Routering technology represents the pinnacle of precision and versatility in material fabrication. Equipped with an automatic tool changer, our routers minimize downtime and produce intricate cuts for detailed finishes. Ideal for a variety of materials, this technology allows for a flawless execution of the most complex designs, perfect for custom projects that require the utmost accuracy and attention to detail.

CNC Engraving

Additionally, our CNC engraving capabilities further enhance the detail and sophistication of your trade show display. This technology allows for the creation of intricate patterns and text with exceptional clarity. Whether you're looking to add a personal touch to promotional materials or create detailed signage, our CNC services offer the necessary precision and customization to make a lasting impression.


Our thermoforming services bring your display to life with versatile shaping possibilities and high-quality finishes. This process involves heating plastic sheets and molding them over a form, ideal for custom, handmade display items. Our expertise in thermoforming allows for unparalleled flexibilty in design, producing lightweight and durable components that can be used for a wide range of applications.

Vacuum Press

The vacuum press technology at H3 offers innovative solutions for laminating and shaping materials with precision and uniformity. Whether we're working with wood, plastic, or composites, this method is crucial for creating seamless bonds and contours, ensuring a high-quality finish. 

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